“盡管資金有限,設計師們依然創造出如此詩意的濕地修復項目…這不僅僅是一個濕地公園,你幾乎可以感受到設計師的手筆,感受到水流 在這里得到凈化。
With little funding, the designers of this wetland restoration project were still able to make something poetic. . . It just doesn’t look like a wetland – you can see the hand of the designer. You can tell they’re actually cleaning the water with the design”
“哈爾濱群力雨洪公園應對季風氣候下的城市雨澇問題,巧妙運用三角洲地帶傳統農業的基塘技術,建立了一個具有雨洪滯蓄、自我凈化、 鄉土生境營造以及地下水補充等綜合功能的城市綠色“海綿”,不僅有效解決了內澇問題,還為新區市民提供優美的游憩場所,帶動了周邊 土地價值的提升。”
“尺度令人印象深刻,蛻變驚人,細節處理非常完美。嫻熟的植被栽種展示了對園藝的深刻理解。這是一個凈化水體的偉大環境籌略。一個 美麗的作品。
The scale is impressive, the transformation is amazing, and the detail is wonderful. The sophistication of the planting shows a strong understanding of horticulture. This is a great environmental strategy to clean up the water. It is a beautiful work.”
“ 僅僅一條“綠蔭里的紅飄帶”,就使一片荒野、臟亂的城郊結合部變得生機勃勃,妙趣橫生。“尋常景觀”與“白話的城市”恰恰滿足 了人的需求。這是一個最大限度地利用場地原有資源的設計,用最少的人力、最簡單的元素、最經濟的做法,創造了一個真正節約、并為城 市居民提供盡可能多生態服務的可持續景觀,體現了節約和可持續的景觀設計理念。
Arresting architectural forms playing off natural vegetation create a sensory experience. Nice work!”
(It) uses bridges playfully to knit together communities on both sides of the river…and made friends with floods in a highly sustainable manner.”